Death Cult: Saint Tommy NYPD Book 2 by Declan Finn Review
Death Cult: Saint Tommy NYPD book 2 [Silver Empire affiliate link] [Amazon link], follows closely on the heels of Hell Spawn. Last time, Tommy used his newfound abilities as a wonder worker to clean up a demonic infestation. Now, he finds himself, and his family, targeted by that demon’s very angry summoners.

Death Cult: Saint Tommy NYPD Book 2 by Declan Finn Silver Empire (December 7, 2018)

By Charles Foster - Illustrators of the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us, Public Domain,
It is a fairly common for the American anti-abortion movement to rhetorically associate abortion with the worship of Moloch, but in Tommy Nolan’s world, there is nothing figurative about it.
And, after all, since Moloch is the god of money, it isn’t all that implausible that someone in our status- and luxury-obsessed nation would take up the offer of wealth and power for doing something we are doing anyway.
But God and his angels are not impotent in the face of evil, and neither are his faithful. Which is interesting in a pulpy action horror series that is unabashedly pro-cop. The one thing that strained my credulity a bit is how many allies Tommy finds who are willing to back him up against the powerful and connected who also happen to be demon-infested. But then again, Tommy is granted the powers he has because he is genuinely remarkable man, kind and loving in a profession the breeds cynicism, so perhaps their reaction to him should be calibrated against the similar reactions of people to wonder workers in our own world.

Just because you are bad guy doesn’t mean you are bad guy.
Another feature of the moral landscape of Tommy’s world is that respectability, profession, social standing, and even criminality do not determine whether you are on the side of the angels.
Tommy has perhaps been granted a measure of the ability to see as God sees, to perceive the heart rather than the personas we cloak ourselves in. Thus, in his quest to protect himself and his family, he gains many allies that might seem strange for a policeman.
The action picks up considerably in this book, as Tommy knows what wonders he can do, and deploys them. But given what he is facing, he needs every advantage he can get.
I can recommend this book for anyone who is interested in adventure fiction that is explicitly Christian. The roster of bad guys is drawn from enthusiastic supporters of abortion, so if pro-life politics bugs you, that probably will too. However, I think it is worth paying attention to who chooses to support Tommy and why, because the moral vision behind this book is that man does not see as God sees.
I received this book from the publisher for free. Silver Empire books are available directly through the publisher, so I have linked to their online store.
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