Reqiescat in Pace Sentra

Last week I was t-boned while traveling to work in my 1996 Nissan Sentra. The scene of the accident is shown by Google Maps below:
I had just turned left from Beulah onto Woodlands Village Boulevard, and I was traveling in the left lane when someone darted out from the first driveway into Wal-Mart. Someone was turning into the driveway in the right lane, so perhaps they did not see me. I was only about a car's length away, so stopping was not possible. I took evasive action, and I ended up in the left turn lane for oncoming traffic. I was struck in the passenger side door, which caused my car to turn to the right, jump the median, and come to rest on the sidewalk on the right side.
The results of this were $6000 of damage to my Sentra. That car has been in the family since it was new, so this is disappointing. I made a gallery of pictures of the car. I took a picture of the street sign I flattened too.
Fortunately, I was not hurt, so this just turned into a massive inconvenience for me. We had been thinking about getting a new car, but we weren't ready to pull the trigger yet. This just accelerated the schedule. So, meet the new car:

Those of you lucky enough to live nearby I'll be happy to give you a ride in the RAV4!
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