Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Review

Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
Rauchbier [Type 59] 5.4% ABV
Aecht Schlenkerla is the canonical example of a smoked beer from Germany. Not at all like a smoked porter, a smoked beer is more raw. This beer tastes just like a campfire smells. For me, the smoke overpowered everything else. The style is otherwise related to the Oktoberfest, so it tends towards the sweet and malty.

I don't think I am yet capable of appreciating this beer. I really could have given it 6 beers, because most people probably wouldn't like it, but this is an old style so it must be well regarded by those who know. I only had one, and I will try it again, but this is not the kind of beer you pound one after another. I sipped it slowly over the course of an evening, pondering such an unusual beer. I will have to return to this beer later.
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