Oak Creek Brewery Scotch Ale Review

Oak Creek Brewery Scotch Ale

Oak Creek Brewery Scotch AleScotch Ale 10.0% ABV
Type 32 Beeriodic Table
I had this one at the Oak Creek brewpub in Sedona along with some nice fish&chips. I am not normally a fan of scotch ales, but I decided to try it anyway. The ale was a deep red, almost black, but very clear. The head was very creamy, the bubbles were quite small. It comes in a small tulip glass because of the high ABV. I'm guessing about 8 fluid ounces.

Nice smoky flavor, but very smooth and not as syrupy as scotch ales can be. Quite potent beer, but with good flavor. I was pleasantly surprised by this beer.
My other beer reviewsUpdate on 2010-04-22 02:11 by Ben Espen
Whoops, I accidentally posted this one twice. Ah well. It was twice as good as I expected.
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