Crossfit CrossFit 2011-03-08 Little AnnieRun 1/2 mile35 pushups (100-my age)/2Run 1/2 mile35 pullupsRun 1/2 mile35 situpsRun 1/2 mile35 squatsTime 28:59
Waterlogged Book Review by Tim Noakes Human Kinetics, 2012 $24.95; 430 pages ISBN 9780450424974 I received this book for free from LibraryThing's Early Reviewers Program. In the early 2000s, I was talking with a park ranger at the Grand Canyon. He told me he never really had to help anyone
CrossFit 2015-12-11 5 RM Front squat 95# Charleston Chew 7 rounds * 11 air squats * 10 push jerks [65#] Time 15:23
CrossFit 2015-12-08 Almond joy 5 rounds * 1 rope climb * 12 toes to bar * 1 rope climb * 12 dumbbell squat cleans
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