Blue Moon Agave Blonde Ale Review

Blue Moon Agave Blonde Ale
Fruit beer [Type 15] 5.6% ABV
Fruit beer? Isn't it labeled a blonde ale on the label? It is, but since what you get is mostly the agave syrup and not much else, this is really more of a light ale with flavor in it. That sounds more dismissive than I meant. This is not a bad beer. It is not a very good beer either. I picked up this Blue Moon assortment, and I'm not sorry. I also wouldn't buy another one, since there are so many beers to enjoy.

Blue Moon Agave Blonde Ale Review
What you get is sweet, and more sweet. There isn't much else in the flavor. For a light summer beer, that can be ok. Had a pretty good head on it, and plenty of carbonation. It has a bit of color to it, not as light as a lager, but pretty close. Not gross, but there are better beers to buy.
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