John J. Reilly's The Long View reposting project, 1 year in
I have now posted a year's worth of John's blog, The Long View, in a little over a year of my own time. It really is like being re-acquainted with an old friend. Reading John's blog gave me a lot of pleasure over the years, and it is almost as much fun the second time around. He got some things right, and some things wrong, but it is fun and informative to look back on someone who shaped how I think so much.

I have also heard from two of John's three sisters, thanking me for remembering him. I am always touched when I hear from someone who knew John better than I. That is what makes this all worth it.
I managed to get a year's worth of blog posts in 14 months, plus some of John's essays from 1996-2002. There are a few lingering essays from that time frame that still need to be re-posted, so I will get on that forthwith.
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