The Art of Coco Book Review

All images Copyright ©Disney Enterprises Inc. and Pixar Animation Studios 2017
Foreword by John Lasseter, Introduction by Lee Unkrich, Introduction by Adrian Molina, Acknowledgements by Darla K. Anderson
160 pages
ISBN 978-1452156439
I received this book for free as part of the LibraryThing Early Reviewers Program.
Getting art books in the mail is fun. Getting beautiful books designed by Pixar about a gorgeous movie is even more fun. Coco is a very sweet movie, and I enjoyed watching it with my family. This book is about the creative process at Pixar, and we get to see concept art, clay models, sketches, and reference photos used to create the movie, along with some fun tidbits about the artists and their inspirations.

As with most such books, it will likely appeal to fans of the movie, but this was a cute movie, so why not? Beauty is good for your soul.

The Art of Coco Chronicle Books
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