A lucky find and an unexpected vistor

This is a very Baen cover, and you can’t even see the pearlescent sheen it has

This is a very Baen cover, and you can’t even see the pearlescent sheen it has

I was recently asked by Aaron Irber on Twitter if I was going to review Alternate Routes by Tim Powers. Thanks to a lucky find at my favorite used bookstore, the answer is now definitely yes!


It also happens that recently someone with a San Bernardino IP address went through and read all of my Tim Powers book reviews. Many of the books I have say on them somewhere that Tim Powers lives in San Bernardino, so I pretend to myself that Tim or Serena came through to check my book reviews out. Of course, lots of people live in San Bernardino, so I know that isn’t really likely. But if it was you Tim, I’m a big fan, feel free to email me.

Other books by Tim Powers

Last Call
Expiration Date
Earthquake Weather

Forsake the Sky

Hide Me Among the Graves

Nobody’s Home

The Drawing of the Dark

Dinner at Deviant’s Palace