Linkfest 2021-01-30: Delayed Edition


Things have been busy, so I’ve delayed this edition of Linkfest twice. But no more! Here it is.

Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (Mark Bray)

Charles at Worthy House reviews an insider’s look at the anti-fascist movement.

John Gregory Bourke: Part 1 - Warrior Anthropologist

First of a series on John G. Bourke, the author of An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre.

Who Becomes an Inventor in America? The Importance of Exposure to Innovation

Raj Chetty looks at social networks and innovation.

Special Report: How U.S. CDC missed chances to spot COVID's silent spread

Reuters engages in some top-notch investigative reporting on the CDC.

Interesting People, Vol. 5: Jon Mollison

Alexander Hellene interviews Jon Mollison, author of Overlooked! and Overlooked Again!, among other books.

Blame the Boomers?

Arnold Kling looks at Helen Andrews attempt at generational analysis.


The 1E AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide Is Required RPG Reading

E. Gary Gygax’s 1st edition Dungeon Master’s Guide is idiosyncratic in tone and organization, but it is one of the most evocative, and subtly brilliant works in the hobby.

St. Peter Damian, oil on canvas, 32 x 40 inches. Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs, 2021.

St. Peter Damian, oil on canvas, 32 x 40 inches. Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs, 2021.

Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs does some absolutely amazing work in oil.

How the Enlightenment ideology obscured our historiographical imagination

Albert Bikaj points out that the Enlightenment aggrandized itself by lying about the past, but later historians were more than happy to keep that lie going.