Linkfest 2022-04-08: The Lonely Fight

I recently saw a re-post of Katsuya Terada’s Legend of Zelda illustrations, and it sent me searching for more. Here is a gallery of many of the images Terada created for Nintendo Power magazine. In later years, much would be made of the concept of “multimedia”, using the power of books and movies and games all together, but in the earliest days of videogames the simple graphics were often supplemented by drawings such as these.
Terada’s work is evocative, possibly even defining, for Gen X and Y as how they saw Link and his adventures.
Destructoid – The forgotten legacy of Zelda II
I never owned Zelda II, but I remember playing it with friends. It really was devilishly hard.
The Horatio Hornblower series doesn’t get as much love as the Aubrey/Maturin series, but it was Hornblower that taught me how much intense math naval officers needed to know in the age of sail. Frank Worsley’s contribution to the survival of the crew of the Endurance was due to his mastery of navigation as a technical discipline.
Salt Lake Tribune – A powerless Lake Powell? Water now at lowest level since it filled up
Below average snowpack for decades has reduced the water level in Lake Powell far enough that the water intake for the power turbines may not operate.

This Twitter thread is about the ballads of the Wild East, the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire after the Arabs erupted out of the desert and starting conquering everything in sight.
Jerry Pournelle’s house is getting flipped
David Hines on Twitter has links to pictures of what happened when an investor bought Jerry Pournelle’s house.

With Both Hands: Why I Can Never Be Tyrus Rechs
A very personal essay on personality, masculinity, and one of my favorite space operas.
The Long View: Surpassing Wonder: The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds
Textual analysis and criticism of religious texts was a real innovation in the mid-nineteenth century. However, historical criticism of the Bible and the Talmud exhibits the amusing spectacle, as work has slowly progressed, of converging on something very much like the traditional account.
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