Sam Youd's Birthday (AKA John Christopher)

Thanks to Twitter, I found out that
A hundred years ago today, writer Sam Youd - aka John Christopher - was born in an unseasonable Easter Day snowstorm.
The Tripods novels were one of my first youthful forays into science fiction. At the time, I had no idea about the many other books that Youd wrote, but in honor of his birthday, SYLE Press Kindle versions are only £1 / $1 / 1 euro depending on your location.
I haven’t read any of these, but I have a reasonable amount of faith that they might be interesting to readers of my book reviews. And you at least wouldn’t be out much money if you got one or two.

The Death of Grass

A Wrinkle in the Skin

The Possessors

The World in Winter

The Caves of Night

The Cloud on Silver

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