Catholic Frazettan Jesus "Christ"Oil painting by Frank FrazettaPersonal gift to Frank's wife Ellie.
WBH Digest 2025-02-14: Saint Valentine's Day I have an essay on how to win at D&D, Kickstarters for your consideration, the Based Book Sale, along with some literary thoughts. Captain_Hook's Brolog: Wargames are not 'Playing Toy Soldiers' An excellent reflection on how good games make a tradeoff between simulation
Adrian Cole's The Dream Lords The 50th Anniversary Edition of Adrian Cole's The Dream Lords will release on Amazon on January 15th, 2025, and you, my loyal readers, simply must pick this up, because this is the book for anyone who wanted Dune to be a comedy instead of a tragedy. If you
WBH Digest 2024-11-25: Books! As part of the launch of John J. Reilly's The Perennial Apocalypse I am cross-promoting John's books with Hans Schantz' 2024 Black Friday/Cyber Monday Based Book Sale. 2024 Black Friday/Cyber Monday Based Book Sale by Hans G. Schantz Running Now Through Tuesday December
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