CrossFit 2014-07-14 Red Nation AMRAP 15 minutes * 10 toes to bar * 15 box jumps [24"] * 20 wallballs [20#] Score 4 rounds even
CrossFit 2014-07-08 Stretch armstrong * 100 double unders [1/2 DU 1/2 2x singles] * 3 rounds of * 15 deadlifts [155#] * 35 abmat situps * 100 double unders [1/2 DU 1/2 2x singles] Time 18:15
CrossFit 2014-07-03 Push press * 3-3-3-3-3 * 95-95-95-95-100# Back squat * 5-5-5-5-5 * 135-145-155-150-150#
CrossFit 2014-07-01 Onesies * 1 RM weighted pullup * Max reps strict handstand pushup * 2 minutes double-unders * 500m row Weight and reps * 60# * 5 HSPU * 25 DU * 1:48 row
CrossFit 2014-06-23 Skill test 14 hands off pushups in 1 minute Mighty Mouse * 1000m row * 15 clean and jerks [95#] * 100 air squats Time 12:29