CrossFit 2015-10-12 1 RM Push Press 145# PR! Rankel AMRAP 20 * 6 deadlifts [185#] * 7 burpee pullups * 10 kettlebell swings [62#] * 200m run Rounds: 5
CrossFit 2015-10-05 1 RM Front Squat 170# Double Down * 1000m row * 30 OHS [95#] * 30 chest to bar pullups * 500m row * 15 OHS [95#] * 15 chest to bar pullups Time 21:41
CrossFit 2015-10-02 1 RM Bench Press * 165# EMOTM 10 * 3 deadlifts * 3 lateral barbell hops * Choose the starting weight and add 5-10# every 2 minutes 185->225#
CrossFit 2015-09-29 Cookies n Cream Teams of 2, 20 minute AMRAP * 60 calorie row, 60 kettlebell swings 53# * 50 calorie row, 50 box jumps [24"] * 40 calorie row, 40 burpees * 30 calorie row, 30 wallball [20#, 11'] * 20 calorie row, 200m run Reps 349
CrossFit 2015-09-28 50' overhead carry with bands and kettlebells * 97-107-117-127-137# 3x push press * 137# PR! 2x push jerk * 150# PR! 1x split jerk * 165# PR!
CrossFit 2015-09-23 5 rep max push jerk * 125# PR! Heavy set of three front squats Remove 15%, do 3 sets of 3 reps * 155#/130#