CrossFit 2015-08-19 50' overhead yoke carry * 155# * 175# F Russell 5 rounds * 12 power cleans [105#] * 20 burpees * 78 m sandbag carry [varied] Time 27:15
CrossFit 2015-08-18 The Night Watch 21-15-9-15-21 * Wallball [16#] * Box jump over [24"] * 200m run Time 19:36
CrossFit 2015-08-17 50' yoke carry * 365# J.T. 21-15-9 * Handstand pushups * Ring dips * Pushups Time 22:16
CrossFit 2015-08-12 3x3 weighted box jumps 24" 30#x2 Max height box jump 45.25" Nancy [4 rounds scaled] * 400m run * 15 OHS [85#] Time 18:34
CrossFit 2015-08-11 Hulk Hogan Every two minutes * 2 ring muscleup progressions * 3 power cleans [135#] * 5 burpees
CrossFit 2015-08-10 Bench press with bands and kettlebells 6x2 * 2 sets wide grip * 2 sets neutral grip * 2 sets narrow grip Bench for max reps with max strict pullups to follow * 145# 5,7 * 125# 10,8 * 105# 15,6 * 85# 18,6 * 65# 22,3
CrossFit 2015-08-07 Fight Gone Bad! 3 round AMRAP * 1:00 wall balls [20#] * 1:00 sumo deadlift high pull [75#] * 1:00 box jump [20"] * 1:00 push press [75#] * 1:00 row for calories * 1:00 rest Score 63-63-68 = 194