CrossFit 2015-07-15 4 rounds * 15 kettlebell thrusters [1 round 35#x2, 3 rounds 26#x2] * 150' backwards sled drag [1 round 180#, 3 rounds 135#] Valtrex 4 rounds * 21 pullups * 15 box jump overs [24"] * 9 deadlifts [185#] Time 18:15
CrossFit 2015-07-14 HGH Teams of 3 7 minute AMRAP * 50 Back squats 95# * 50 Back squats 135# * 50 Back squats 155# 7 minute AMRAP0 * 50 Bench press 95# * 50 Bench press 105# 7 minute AMRAP * Strict Pullups Score 106/100/81
CrossFit 2015-07-13 Weighted strict pullup 3-3-3-3-3 * 20-25-30-35-40 Weighted pushup 3-3-3-3-3 * 35-45-55-60-65 Pilocarpine 5 rounds * 25 Calorie row * 12 alternating dumbell snatch * 2 rope climbs Time 28:25
CrossFit 2015-07-10 1 RM Front Squat * 172# PR! Abilify AMRAP 12 * 25 double unders mixed with singles * 50 lateral burpees over the bar * 30 squat clean thrusters [95#] * 10 CTB pullups/ring rows Up through 23 clusters in 12 minutes
CrossFit 2015-07-08 1 RM Bench Press * 165# PR! Lifting Shenanigans 1 RM Deadlift * 265# 30 deadlifts for time, on the minute break for 60 single unders Weight/Time 200#/3:47
CrossFit 2015-06-22 5 RM Front Squat * 135# Cobra Kai AMRAP 3 * 6 front squat [115#] * 6 burpees over the bar Rest 1 minute AMRAP 3 * Double unders Rest 1 minute AMRAP 3 * 6 front squat [95#] * 6 burpees over the bar Rounds 27-43-30