CrossFit 2011-08-10 Deadlifts and tabata Deadlifts * 10/10/10 * 80kg/80kg/80kg Tabata 2 rounds 20 seconds of dynamic work, 10 seconds static hold * pushups * v-sits * jumping lunges
CrossFit 2011-06-23 Deadlifts 7/7/5/5/3/3/1 1 RM 120 kg, new PR! Dessert was 5 - 20m sprints, and then 5 - 40m sprints. Then we did bootcamp. 2 rounds. 1/2 mile run, 70m lunge, 50 push press [2x20#], 50 russian twists double count [12#] Time 22:
CrossFit 2011-05-19 50 deadlifts 1/4 mile run for warmup * 10 x 60 kg * 10 x 70 * 10 x 70 * 5 x 80 * 5 x 85 * 5 x 90 * 3 x 95 * 2 x 100 Total tonnage: 3760 kgUpdate on 2011-05-24 01:58 by Ben Espen The weights should have been 60,
CrossFit 2011-05-04 Deadly Pulls 5 rounds * 5 deadlifts [60/70/80/90/95kg] * 15 pullups 1 round max reps deadlifts, max consecutive pullups 80kg x 10 reps; 20 pullups
CrossFit 2011-03-16 Deadlifts 7/7/5/5/3/3/1 1 RM 110 kg. New PR, and this is 1.5x my bodyweight Last time 105 kg Dessert was 5 rounds, 1 minute sprinting, 1 minute rest. Slowest speed 8.5 MPH
CrossFit 2011-02-23 Deads & Dips 3 rounds * 10 deadlifts * 10 ring dips Total tonnage 2350 kg [70 kg + 80 kg + 85 kg] Last time 2300 kg
CrossFit 2011-01-26 Dead, Dip, Pullup 10-8-6-4-2-1 deadlifts, record 1 RM For each set of deads, pullups and ring dips to failure. Score is max number of pullups and dips in one round. Score 105 + 13 + 6 = 124 Last time 109