CrossFit 2015-12-11 5 RM Front squat 95# Charleston Chew 7 rounds * 11 air squats * 10 push jerks [65#] Time 15:23
CrossFit 2015-10-16 Dynamic shoulder press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 97-104# Front squat 5 x 3 across, superset each set with 5 strict chest to bar pullups 115-135-140-145-147#
CrossFit 2015-10-05 1 RM Front Squat 170# Double Down * 1000m row * 30 OHS [95#] * 30 chest to bar pullups * 500m row * 15 OHS [95#] * 15 chest to bar pullups Time 21:41
CrossFit 2015-09-23 5 rep max push jerk * 125# PR! Heavy set of three front squats Remove 15%, do 3 sets of 3 reps * 155#/130#
CrossFit 2015-09-02 5 RM Bench Press * 145# Build to a heavy 3 rep front squat * 155# Burner 3 rounds * 10 front squats * 15 Calorie row Time 5:55 95#
CrossFit 2015-07-10 1 RM Front Squat * 172# PR! Abilify AMRAP 12 * 25 double unders mixed with singles * 50 lateral burpees over the bar * 30 squat clean thrusters [95#] * 10 CTB pullups/ring rows Up through 23 clusters in 12 minutes
CrossFit 2015-06-22 5 RM Front Squat * 135# Cobra Kai AMRAP 3 * 6 front squat [115#] * 6 burpees over the bar Rest 1 minute AMRAP 3 * Double unders Rest 1 minute AMRAP 3 * 6 front squat [95#] * 6 burpees over the bar Rounds 27-43-30