CrossFit 2015-05-15 5x 100ft dynamic overhead carry * 99# Fruit by the foot 3 rounds * 30 Calorie row * 20 power cleans [65#] * 10 overhead squats * 5 handstand pushups [kipping] Time 20:57
CrossFit 2015-02-04 Deficit deadlifts 5x5 * 95-135-185-205-205# Life Partner workout * 20 HSPU * 4 rope climbs Then * 20 partner wallballs [20#] * 40 hang squat cleans [95#] * 40 front rack lunge steps [95#] Time 15:05
CrossFit 2014-10-03 Scissor Kick 5 rounds * 7 deadlifts [185#] * 30 air squats * Handstand pushups [rack assisted] Time 11:42
CrossFit 2014-07-01 Onesies * 1 RM weighted pullup * Max reps strict handstand pushup * 2 minutes double-unders * 500m row Weight and reps * 60# * 5 HSPU * 25 DU * 1:48 row
CrossFit 2013-12-31 Nutts * 10 handstand pushups [1 abmat] * 15 deadlifts [185#] * 25 box jumps [24"] * 35 pullups * 80 wallballs [14#] * 120 double unders [DU/SU] * Run 400m with a 25# plate Time 28:38 Last time 28:35 I'm not faster, but I am stronger. 50 more pounds on
CrossFit 2013-11-05 Lauriel * 23 deadlifts [103#] * 23 handstand pushups * 23 back squats with no rack [103#] * 23 burpees * 23 ground to overhead [103#] Time 21:57 [supposed to be a 20 minute cap, but I finished regardless]
CrossFit 2013-11-01 3 rounds core work * 20 second L-sit * 20 GHD situps * 20 kettlebell swings [16 kg] Diane 21-15-9 * Deadlift [155#] * Handstand pushup [1 or 2 ab mat assist] Time 11:30