Scientist Cartoon So the Family Social Scientist alerted me to the origin of the cartoon I posted on the scientific method. It comes from a webcomic called
Philosophy of Nature This summer I will be studying Philosophy of Nature through International Catholic University. This course ought to be pretty interesting, because it is the topic I find myself thinking about most often of late. Strictly speaking, philosophy of nature is the study of natures, or essences. However, in practice when
The Scientific Method The Scientific Method There is more truth in this than I might like to admit. I don't know who drew this, but I appreciate their take. Update on 2009-06-04 01:33 by Ben Espen Turns out its from a webcomic xkcd
Fr. Stanley Jaki RIP Father Stanley Jaki died on April 7th, 2009. Fr. Jaki was one of my favorite priests, even though I never met him, because he was a physicist and a philosopher as well. Father Jaki was a Benedictine priest, but it caused him no end of vexation that everyone assumed he
Shoelaces, Science, and Cool Tools A trifecta of links today. I was often frustrated by the difficulty in tying the shoelaces on my shoes. Oftentimes, shoes come with round, slippery laces that are hard to tie securely, but are too short to double knot. I looked around, and I found Ian's Secure Shoelace
If TV Science was more like Real Science My wife is a devoted reader of PhD Comics. She sent me Wednesday's cartoon probably because I've said the same things. Ah science. It never works like that.
Physics of the Pinewood Derby Car More goodness from the Art of Manliness. 5 tips for improving your Pinewood Derby Car, and the Physics of the Pinewood Derby Car. Just don't get all psycho about making sure your kid wins. =) It's supposed to be character building.