CrossFit 2015-12-11 5 RM Front squat 95# Charleston Chew 7 rounds * 11 air squats * 10 push jerks [65#] Time 15:23
CrossFit 2015-10-21 1 RM Strict Press 115# PR! DT 5 rounds * 12 deadlifts [95#] * 9 hang power cleans * 6 push jerks Time 11:35 PR! Last time 13:27
CrossFit 2015-09-28 50' overhead carry with bands and kettlebells * 97-107-117-127-137# 3x push press * 137# PR! 2x push jerk * 150# PR! 1x split jerk * 165# PR!
CrossFit 2015-09-23 5 rep max push jerk * 125# PR! Heavy set of three front squats Remove 15%, do 3 sets of 3 reps * 155#/130#
CrossFit 2015-07-27 1 RM Push Jerk * 160# Helton 3 rounds * 600m run * 20 dumbbell squat cleans 30# * 20 burpees Time 29:52
CrossFit 2015-05-01 Push Jerk Heavy set of 3 * 125# Bench press 5-5-5-5-5 * 135-115-115-120-125# Max strict pullups after each set * 29 total