More than you ever wanted to know about pulse oximetry Pulse Oximetry From Hackaday, I read about making your own pulse oximeter, which led me to the site Anesthesia Equipmet Explained. Thanks, I always wanted to know how that worked!
More about the Van Allen Belts than you really wanted to know Question: Is it impossible to travel to the Moon, because of the Van Allen Belt? From: Peter Wingerter Grade: None given City: None given State/Prov.: None given Country: None given Area: Astronomy Message ID Number: 958408099.As Is there any truth to the rumor? Is it impossible to travel
More on Twentieth Century Science From Daniel Lemire, a reflection on the prestige accorded to certain professions. I copied out a section from Daniel's post, and highlighted something relevant to my cocktail party theory of twentieth century science. I think that Matt’s decision might be hard to understand—at least, his departement
Cocktail party theory: early twenty-first century science is disconnected from its source While reading this post by Steve Hsu on Poincare and Einstein, I was reminded of my cocktail party theory of the decline of modern science. A cocktail party theory is something interesting enough for me to want to talk about, ie. at a cocktail party, but lacks rigor and data.
Grad students with too much time on their hands The story is pretty awesome. These guys wanted to relive the part in Back to the Future where Marty plugs his guitar into Doc Brown's giant amp. I'd say they did a pretty good job. h/t Makezine
The Little Book of Talent Review by Daniel Coyle $18.00; 160 pages This is indeed a little book. It contains 52 brief techniques for improving skills, based on Daniel Coyle's research into human excellence, and how we get there. What you will not find here is a lengthy treatise expounding Coyle's
Reversing Myopia John Walker at Fourmilab has an interesting post on reversing myopia. John says that he has mostly been wearing reading glasses, designed to allow your eyes to focus at 40cm while the eye is at rest. He has another pair of glasses that have the same prescription, but the focus