CrossFit 2014-11-03 Dynamic effort shoulder press * 10x3 reps * 83# The Chief AMRAP 5 cycles of 3 minutes with 1 minute rest inbetween * 3 power cleans [95#] * 6 pushups * 9 squats Rounds: 4-3-3-3-3 = 16 total
CrossFit 2014-10-29 Push jerk 1RM * 155# PR! Escape from Wonderland 3 rounds * 150 single unders * 50 air squats * 25 Calorie row Time 17:16 Last time 17:31
CrossFit 2014-10-03 Scissor Kick 5 rounds * 7 deadlifts [185#] * 30 air squats * Handstand pushups [rack assisted] Time 11:42
CrossFit 2014-08-01 Escape from Wonderland 3 rounds * 150 single unders * 50 air squats * 25 Calorie row Time 17:31
CrossFit 2014-04-30 Tabata something else * Tabata pullups * Tabata pushups * Tabata situps * Tabata squats Score 41/42/61/91 reps, total 235 reps