WBH Monthly Digest 2024-04-05: Letters to Garcia

Life currently prevents the weekly digest from being weekly, but I've got so much good stuff saved up for these that something has to give.
I've noted before the Letter to Garcia is a Sorelian myth, in that it enables action even if the historical facts don't exactly match.

With Both Hands: Doomsday Recon
Book 2 of Doomsday Recon, Death or Glory, is out this week, so why not check out my review of book 1 and then go read book 2?

It is really fun to see visualizations like this plot of where AirBnBs are booked solid on April 7th.

The second Mongol Moon book, A Dance of Devils, has been out for a while. I need to get to it.
Andres Freund discovered a truly monumental backdoor in the process of spreading itself.

The beginning of my deep dive on Northrop Frye's Second Essay in the Anatomy of Criticism.
High achievement is associated with difficult and unreasonable personalities, but I don't think it is obvious to most people how much of what is seen as "normal and expected" functions of our world depend upon those difficult personalities.

The literal sense of a story is important to understand, as it is the only true record of an author's intent, but it is also important to distinguish it from any relationship to anything in the real world, which is the descriptive sense.
From the Atlantic in 1971.

I really liked Dune: Part Two. It isn't Herbert's book, but we shouldn't go into it thinking that. Here I explain why not.
Also from the Atlantic, a story of how a new drug changed the life of people with Cystic Fibrosis. Drug development is definitely slower than it used to be, but amazing things still happen.

With Both Hands: SGT. Thor the Damned
Why is this so good? Because of the greatness of the source material, but also because Cole and Anspach are really good at what they do.

The middle phase of symbolic interpretation is a synthesis of the literal and descriptive phases. Frye tells us that the analysis of literary symbols is commentary. But, he is going to go somewhere surprising. Frye is going to insist that there is no such thing as the author's intention in stories.
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