WBH Weekly Digest 2023-07-07: Entrepreneurial Success

Profilic book reviewer Charles Haywood gives some details on the business he built, and then sold. Solid, and matches up with my experiences [well, minus the selling a business part].

The distinction between mental images and concepts that Feser lays out here is important for understanding why people who cannot form mental images at all can still function. It is also relevant to understanding what computers can and cannot do.

Reading a Substack earlier this week made me want to talk about Will Smith's 2017 movie Bright.

Oh, sorry, that's Saint Thor, not Sarn't Thor.

This is Sgt. Thor's first book, due out September 26. Read about the teaser short story Sgt. Thor: Little Sister here.

Alaric has a two part series on helping karate find its way again.

My review of Robert Holdstock's formerly well-known book Mythago Wood.

JD Cowan's Gemini Man series is being re-released, and the first book Gemini Warrior is back up on Amazon.
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